High Throughput Screening Systems
02/21/08 CASHspecial


Some still say that Basel is not a cluster of the international chemical
and pharmaceutical industry! When the just 24-year-old chemist Iwo
Gatlik in the middle of the 90’s moved from Cracow to Western
Europe, he was pulled  somehow automatically to the Rhine knee. And
here, he started a career, which until now was more common for
Germans, Frenchmen and Britons. He quickly earned scientific merits
and made himself independent in January 2005. Since then he boldly
entered a multibillion market for laboratory equipment. And here is the
key: the best pharmaceutical active substance is useless, if it does not
have a certain metabolic stability; if it, in other words, can’t preserve
its properties in the contact with our body, at least during a certain
period. In order to test this stability, the pharmaceutical industry uses
so-called screening systems. In this rapid procedures it will be
identified how an active substance reacts with other biochemical
substances, for example enzymes. For the industry the speed of this
Screenings is as crucial as is the precision. And Gatlik developed an
electrochemical procedure, which increases this speed by the factor of
100 on the basis of its research in the area of the polymers. Its
"Metabolic Stability Screening" MSS system, comprising of custom-
made well plates, related analyzing instruments and software is long
past the testing phase; it is, for example, already used by Roche. And
more companies of this caliber are likely soon to come. In March, Iwo
Gatlik was able to hire his first full salesman.
About Gatlik
© I.Gatlik